Dyeing machine – Frequently asked questions
What is the liquor ratio of a dyeing machine?
The liquor ratio of a dyeing machine is the amount of water needed to run a dyeing machine successfully divided by the mass of textiles to be dyed. For example: 1000 liter water divided by 200 kg textiles = liquor ratio 5.
Is the liquor ratio the only criterion for a good dyeing machine?
No, there any many criteria such as flexibility, machine quality, operatability, fabric quality etc.
Is the price of a dyeing machine important?
Of course the amount of investment is always a criterion. However, in most cases buying a more expensive dyeing machine with better performance pays back the higher investment costs in a very short time. Also refer to John Ruskin’s thoughts on prices and values.
How can I improve the efficiency of my dyehouse?
There are many ways to improve the efficiency. To name a few: Saving water by changing to a machine with low energy and water consumption (such as our FabricMaster). Change of dyeing processes to be faster.
How long does it take to install a fabric dyeing machine?
A FabricMaster is put in place within one day, including wiring and connecting all valves. After this, water, steam, condensate and electricity need to be connected. Depending on the skill of the welder this can be done within 2 to 4 days.
Why do jet dyeing machines have a filter?
The filter eliminates the loose fibres in the dye bath, consequently it reduces the loose fibre loads on the fabric.
What is a heat recovery system?
A heat recovery system uses the temperature of the waste water to heat up the fresh water. LAB-PRO is able to provide an overall solution for the optimization of your hot and cold water supply.
How can I reduce problems with crease marks?
Crease marks are the result of too much tension and bad nozzle and chamber design or a wrong dyeing process or both. The FabricMaster can solve many problems regarding crease marks especially if it comes to elastic fabrics.
Why has a FabricMaster dyeing machine a self-cleaning filter?
Changing and cleaning the filters is sometimes forgotten, with the result that the dyeing machine’s nozzle pressure decreases, with the effect that running is disturbed and tangles can occur.
Is it important that a jet dyeing machine runs without tangles?
It is one of the most important criteria when choosing a dyeing machine, because every tangle causes a reduction of daily production. Further, every tangle puts the batch at risk of crease marks, uneven dyeing or even complete loss of a batch.
Can elastic fabrics be dyed in open width form?
On a FabricMaster many elastic fabrics can be dyed free of crease marks without sewing it into rope form.
Why does LAB-PRO use Bus Technolgy inside of their controller cabinet?
LAB-PRO uses either Profi-Bus or Canbus to control all inputs and outputs digitally. It reduces wiring complexity by more than 80 % and industrial standard components for input and output can be used.
Can I use Indanthren dyestuff in a FabricMaster?
Yes, Indanthren dyestuffs can be used.
Where is the FabricMaster produced?
LAB-PRO produces the FabricMaster in Switzerland and Germany und uses quality components made in Switzerland and Germany.