Intermittent Rinsing
Rinsing between two pre-defined levels
- Continuous dilution of the bath while the fabric remains in motion.
- No re-depositing of impurities on the fabric.
- 30 % less water consumption than with overflow rinsing.
- Considerable time savings.
Master Drain – function for fast draining
All drain steps of the SynthMaster machine are done by the Power drain function.
100 % Cotton Remazol black with a processing time of 360 min.
per batch min. |
per day min. |
per year min. |
Gravity Drain: 8 drains at 4 min. = | 32 | 96 | 24000 |
Master Drain: 8 drains at 2 min. = | 16 | 48 | 12000 |
50 % time saving, i.e. 30 batches more per year